The purpose of this brain blog is to inspire,

educate and share. The ideal way to share the nonsense or rationale that flows

through your brain is to write it down.

Go ahead, try it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"God, drop some truth in here..."

Thank you October.

Musically, Miami has always had its challenges…lack of venues, fans, mostly passion. In the past few years I have noticed (not due to my age) a more musically mature audience emerge. I'd like to thank a certain few  friends have always kept me in the loop (no pun intended) but  I’ve also been fortunate enough to discover some bands on my own. This month however, Miami has proven magical. With LCD Soundsystem, Vampire Weekend, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Phoenix, MGMT, Massive Attack and Thievery Corporation to name a few…one might think they woke up in San Francisco or New York. Nope. Amazingly it’s  Miami! Hmmm, a new theory as to why it's dubbed the Magic City? Thank you to those individuals who work so hard to bring these acts, and who work to satisfy the parching throats of us music lovers who are painfully-musically-geographically challenged.
I have to mention an important ingredient in this melodic Miami sopa de letras. It’s the all important “crew”.  Big ups to my never fail show-catchers…Leyla, Adri, Javs, LC, Buffalo, Lucy, JuanP, Casey, Gaudi…
Special shout out to the Fillmore, Bardot, Bayfront Park and Live Nation for gittin’ er dun. And to the next generation of people working so hard to bring the music, the flavor and the know who you are G!

Keep bringing the music, we won’t stop dancing!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cast of Characters

Genuinely intriguing people are my fav. I wonder what goes on in that head of theirs…people who march to the beat of their own drum, guitar or didgeridoo are striking in their ability to chase their dreams, do as they please and set their own standards for what is fun, practical and even normal. I admire the freedom with which  live and I enjoy joining in the fun from time to time…It’s a treat to come across such individuals and through my travels, friendships and adventures I have had the pleasure of doing just that. Every now and then I’d like to introduce you to some of them. These are people who I find to be truly inspired by what they love and their passion is evident in their everyday lives. Since I live in the 305, I thought it would be appropriate to introduce you to one who does as well.

Meet Tamara Aida Diaz…Tammy, Tambo… call her what you will, a rose by any other name, she’s like the love child of Edie Sedgwick and Rainbow Bright…. She’s the first subject of my character exploration project. She is an artist by vocation, visionary, coolhunter, writer/blogger, photographer, fashion stylist and -model for fun. Get into her brain at Proceed with caution and be prepared to enter a world of color, light, creativity and fantastic nuttiness.

To pick her brain I asked her a few questions I thought would be fun to answer and read…here we go.

  1. What elements of nature inspire you?
The weather is the element of nature that is most important to me and that has a lot to do with what I'm wearing of course! So, earmuffs and gloves vs. bikinis and sunglasses... I love it all, its the changes in it that are so interesting. This is one of my fav things about NATURE! Think about erosion! How we work around the elements to keep warm or stay fresh. ;) I'm a huge lover of nature, I am inspired by the colors and textures of it too... I love the sky, the clouds, and the variations of colors! The details in a shell, the stripes in a zebra! But more than what I simply see with my eyes is the feeling to the touch... the soft sand running through your fingers when you grab a handful or diving into the water when its a bit chilly, rolling down a hill of grass, walking through a field against the wind, you get the point. Sensitize yourself, its really inspiring.

2. Glitter or sequins?
I've always loved glitter because its fine and it gets everywhere! haha It's really funny when you had glitter on your face and it gets on the boys you kissed forehead or cheek and you don't even tell him so that every time it catches the light u can sort of be happy about it LOL. Its like an Amelie (the movie) thing. Sequins are so awesome too though, they remind me of the 80's, and boy do I get a kick out of tacky shit! :)

3. Life has a soundtrack…what song would be playing during your birth? And your death?

This is a hard question. I'm gona have to say Ohm for both LOL. I cant give any song all that credit to define me, I am too many things. Its not a song but that sound will do for now.
4. Is there a profession you wish you could dedicate yourself to but can’t, won’t or are afraid to?

I want to be a coolhunter! I want to travel and take pictures of places and things to inspire people! I want to get hired by design teams that send me away somewhere and say "Come back with whatever YOU SEE to INSPIRE us!" Then I would make a presentation about it, with collages and images and research galore, all organized and then we would talk about the direction that we should take... so lets pick these colors,,,, etc... I'd be so happy doing that! Its sort of like fashion forecasting, I've had a knack for that my whole life since I studied fashion design and that was my fav part... the mood boards! I'm not afraid, I just need to figure out how to get there! I was going to work for Zara in Spain and went through I dont know how many interviews to get that position where I would be working along side THAT lady and then I decided to go back to school and study Visual Arts here in Miami. Who knows if that was the wrong choice.

5. Book that changed you somehow?
 I have tried to get into books, I haven't found MY book yet. I read a lot on websites bc i can click and click into whatever it is I want to know instead of feel like I'm wasting time reading about some fairy tale when actually, I'm already living one. -I'm a magazine-aholic.

6. Best concert you’ve been to?
I went to thousands of concerts my whole life because my father was in the music industry. They were a part of life for me always, like no biggie. Meeting lots of famous people, Cris Martin jumped on my dad bc of how excited he was to see him! hahaha! My father was a singer in the 60's in Spain, a revolutionary. He makes me really proud. My mother was an actress in the 80's, shows why I am the way I am a bit. So, fav concert... I'm gona have to go with BASSNECTAR at the Fillmore, Miami Beach... it blew my mind! The lighting really complimented the show!! I fell in love with the ugliest man alive! LOL you should really see this guy! He is all hair! Like a cousin IT! He was sooo good at what he does that I saw right through what he looked like and just saw his AMAZING talent and that's all through him spinning records! My dad would prob be pissed bc their are no instruments!!! ;)

7. Dream dinner with company, menu and setting?
Dream dinner, Oooo I like this question! Ive been wanting to have an Alice in Wonderland like picnic! Like all best friends, blankets, music, wine n cheese type deal. WE NEED THE KOOKY OUTFITS TOO! (Like the boys are dandys pls). I love tapas, I love to share! I like little bites of things and the delicious combinations we all can make to share with each other... its cheap too! Its just all about good company and laughs and being outside, heaven.

8. Personal motto?
Apart from staying true to myself, I keep telling myself to keep aiming for my dreams and to BE HAPPY. It's not always that simple, is it? I'm a bit bonkers so I regret not having more discipline in my life, but then I wouldn't be me anymore, would it? I'm working on that.

9. I want to be a back-up singer for…
I don't want to be a back-up singer! hahaha if I did wana be a singer I think I would be one!!! My family loves to sing, I love to dance. Hold up, they love to dance too!

10. What is it about art? How did you fall in love with it?
ART is the only thing that keeps me going! It's what makes me excited. I think I am a work of art... lol. I don't know how I fell in love with it, but I know I will NEVER EVER STOP LOVING IT.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Here lie the gates of hell"

I took these photos last year in Corral Canyon. It’s taken from inside the cave where Jim Morrison would often seek solace and quiet. You can find lyrics scribbled on the walls, over which fans have left messages and their own etchings. Getting to this cave is no easy feat, a mile hike up the canyon then you have to squeeze through what is known as the “birth canal”. If you are claustrophobic you simply won’t make it. The views are breathtaking…be there for sunrise or sunset.

One cool note…This natural cave was once used by the Tongva Indians for religious practices.
One not cool but historically cool note…Charles Manson and his “family” used to hang in the area.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Afro-Peruvian Jazz

You're probably thinking Afro-Peruvian? Exactly! Beats, box, sax, keys, strings... Last week I went to see the Gabriel Alegrìa Afro-Peruvian Sextet at the UM School of Music. If you aren't familiar with UM's annual Jazz Festival, you should be. (I wasn't till last week so don't feel bad.) I was fortunate enough to see this team of musicians from Lima really do their thing. Highlights.. the saxophone, wow. Lisa Simpson who? El Cajon, not uncommon at all but this guy knew what he was doing. I did discover a new instrument though, a donkey jawbone. Yep, donkey jawbone called la Quijada...makes a distinctive percussive sound, pretty cool. If there was someone in the audinece who was not jamming they were more than likey dead.
Thumbs up to the Peruanos.

To add a bit of local charm, the School of Music's very own Dean, Mr. Shelly Berg jammed on the piano for a couple of scores and he really went for it. The man is incredible. I guess you kinda-sorta-haveta-play music to be the Dean of the music school.

The band will be doing several shows in NY in the next few months during their 2010 Pucusana Tour. If you're in NY...check them out.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Musical hangovers

Ah, the wonderous spirit of a music festival...whatever your tase, nothing leaves you wanting more than a music festival. It's the blue balls of music.
I would like to share a conversation I just had regarding Austin City Limits...

Adolfo: "How are you? You missed out on a pretty good time"
OneLove: "I can imagine! Are you recovered yet?"
Adolfo: "Not emotionally"

And that my friends is the POWERRRR of music!


Love and its too often terrible timing...

Ever had that feeling that you want to preserve something for later because you just aren’t ready for it? You know it’s perfect, it’s real and it’s there…but you’d destroy it if you touched it. I have a great friend whom I adore, going through a break-up that couldn’t be less perfect.

Allow me to explain: Break-ups are NEVER easy. One heart usually left more hurt than the other, but both usually ache. What I like to call a “mature break-up”, the cleanest of it’s kind, is when two people realize that there is no moving forward, no new barriers to break though, no new flowers to watch grow. This is when two people know deep down, hearing that Oprah-like voice inside (ahem, Ladies you know what I’m referring to.) that they simply are not meant to be. Reaching this decision is never easy; it is like a cocoon that grows inside of you… it tells you something is off, something is wrong, something is missing. It is only when this cocoon becomes a butterfly that we are fully realized and ready to make your feelings known.  

I’m not sure what part is harder, accepting that the love you worked at is no longer workable, or telling that person that as hard as you both worked, there will be no happy ending. What happens when the person you are breaking this news to…fully agrees? You’d think it would be a handshake, a hug, a thank-you-for-your-time kind of parting….no, it’s even more cathartic. What do we do? Pop open a bottle of wine, share the memories, the laughter, the fights, the drunken nights (my personal favs.) and suddenly, the sadness creeps in. “We had good times together huh?” Then your mind (or the wine) makes you think for one split second that MAYBE it can work again? Maybe we should try again? No! You’ve made your decision; you know what is right…go peacefully into the quiet night.

I raise my glass to those strong enough to follow the right path, to know themselves well enough to understand the difference between good company and real love. May we always be able to make that distinction in life.



Blogger's Cut

Xavier Manrique- Director, Creator, Friend

 Nothing pleases me more than to see my friends become successful, creative and happy. Blossoming into what they were always meant to be, through sacrifice, hard work and sweat. Following your dreams is one of the scariest things I can think of. It's walking the plank, taking the road less traveled...into the unknown. How heart wrenching is it to follow that dream only to realize it should stay as one?

Thankfully, Xavier Manrique has done just that, and his road is well paved thus far.
Please visit his website and see for yourself. Specifically check out SkullCandy my personal favorite...short but sweet and featuring another pal, it makes you want to dance!

Big ups to Gordo.
-One Love

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In honor of all that is spooky in October, I’d like to discuss death, cemeteries and specifically tombstones.

Losing a loved one is like losing a piece of yourself, the infinite hole that is dug in your chest never seems to heal. We are constantly surprised, angered and afraid of death…Yet it is more common than the flu, a flat tire and a mosquito bite. Some cultures believe the dead exist among them forever so they do not mourn their loss; they celebrate the life once lived. In other cultures for example, the mourning never ceases, widows wear black for the rest of their lives. Luckily for them, black is always in style.

Cemeteries have always had an air of romance to me. There is something about a place where so many different walks of life are buried that fascinates me. The stories of heartache, family, love, passion, crime, greed and death collected in a single field dwelling just a few feet below ground is both spooky and thrilling. How many of those people took secrets to the graves with them? How many of them had one last wish never granted? How many did exactly what they wanted, when they wanted?

Do you believe in spirits? I find it hard to believe that death is the end of life. Perhaps life as we know it is over, but to what extent is there a remaining force lingering in the air…have you ever felt a presence?

Finally, the subject of tombstones comes to mind. Tombstones symbolize the end of life and who you were but imagine if we begun life the same way with birthstones…what would yours say?
“Today, I was born…I would like to this kind of person and hope to accomplish the following things while I live:”

For example:
John Smith,
“Hi, it’s nice to be here. I would like to free the world of anger, and madness. Bring back the beauty of nature and maybe start a non-profit. I’d like to save the whales and adopt-a-highway. I will have 2 children and a loving wife. My legacy will be one of peace and harmony”

John Smith
“Lawyer, bloodsucker, ambulance chaser. Twice divorced, thrice bankrupt, late on child support and an owner of 2 SUV’s. He never recycled and once ran over a squirrel just to see how fast it would run. John leaves behind a mortgage and one hell of a cholesterol level”

Perhaps we should think about writing our birthstones today and trying to live up to them so that both our birth and tombstones may be one and the same.

Life is peace, the sun rises and sets, the tides rise and recede.
The wind begins to blow, begins to howl -- a change in the air.
Suddenly, nothing is the same, can’t find my way back to peace.

Question everything, notice everything.
Question origins, beginnings and truth.

The blurry future is now vast, lonely and dark.
The uncertainty leaves me careful, weary, mindful.

 A return to normalcy is impossible.
What will come? What will today’s wind bring? What will the breezes say to me?

Yet the sun rises and sets, the tides rise and recede. I am forever changed. I am alive.