The purpose of this brain blog is to inspire,

educate and share. The ideal way to share the nonsense or rationale that flows

through your brain is to write it down.

Go ahead, try it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cobwebs, Karma and He-Man.

Not even sure where to begin, well I suppose I could begin by dusting off the cobwebs and using a bit of Windex. It’s been months since I’ve written anything. I’d like to note that it hasn’t been due to laziness or being too busy. I hate to say I haven’t been inspired to write, but it’s the truth. There have been 1 million things to write about, bands to share with you and even a poem to 2 has floated through me but the actual pen to paper (or fingers to keys) hasn’t come to life.  Not sure why but as I write this I am happy to be doing so. I forgot how much I love expressing my thoughts in a public (7 viewer) forum, but there’s a sort of thrill in putting down your thoughts and setting them free into this world wide web of entertainment, truth, lies, and junk. Perhaps my truths add some integrity and honesty to this web-we-weave. I don’t know why I use spider metaphors; spiders are the scariest of all creatures. I’m even scared of writing that because now I feel like Karma, the bitch, is going to do me dirty and send a huge spider in my direction.

When I think of the daunting task of putting my thoughts together to sound coherent and well written, I suddenly panic and realize I am not a writer, I am not a blogger, I am simply writing a blog. What is the definition of a writer? Someone who writes. And that of a blogger? Someone who blogs. Perhaps I am a writer and a blogger… Just the way I am a citizen of Earth, a friend, a daughter, a sister and a part-time chef’s assistant. Another thought gives me hope: even though I may not be changing the world, or inspiring my readers (all 7) at least I have a real grasp of the use of words like “there”, “they’re” and “their”. That makes me feel like I’m ahead of the game and like He-Man said: “Knowing is half the battle”.

Here’s to half the battle! (I’m pretending to hold up an actual cocktail, don’t tell He-Man)

p.s I thought using a picture of a spider would be appropriate but then the thought of “googling” the word, caused cardiac arrest in my brain, mind and gag reflexes. Plus, He-Man is good looking in a weird, 80’s, bad blond bowl cut way. Well, he was cute when I was 6.

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