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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wurd Nurd

Words that should make a comeback, should be considered legitimate, and/or are just awesome:

It reminds me of when you say: “The other day, I mean like a few years ago…”

Is there a cooler way to say two weeks?

Hear, ye!
Anything said after that sounds important.

Thanks CM, it's better than amazing, no?

It’s simple, perfect, and kind of rude.

Kind of obnoxious but when said with an exaggerated “O” is really fun.

Stolen from The Hangover, yes. Genius, yes. Offensive, gosh I hope not.

The “S” just does something magical to it.

Proper name, I know but it’s so evil and I love the sound. In spanish it's Malefica, even cooler.

Cat woman in Spanish, seriously? Love it!

Indifference in all of its glory.

You won’t believe me when I tell you this but it’s the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

Go ahead, take a breath...control the laughter.

This link has funny word stuff; I got the above word from here.
My favorites ares Bustard and Osteopornosis. Ha!


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